Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy
18 MWH installed in photovoltaic, biogas, woody biomass plants. Lower environmental impact, reduced production costs, diversification of production activities.
From 2010 to date, the Fat group has invested in renewable energy for a total installation of approximately 18 MWh divided as follows: 2.6 MWh of photovoltaic systems at the processing plant and at the UDS where tobacco is cured in order to reduce production and processing costs, 2 MWh of electrical production from biogas systems, 3 MWh of thermal energy from biogas systems for tobacco curing and greenhouse heating, 10.2 MWh of thermal energy from wood chip systems for tobacco curing. The application of renewable energy to the tobacco production and processing cycle has led to an increase in competitiveness with lower energy costs and a lower environmental impact.

Biometanolo da biogas
ricerca-innovazione-articolo24Biogas is the product of the anaerobic digestion of biomass. It is composed of methane and carbon dioxide and is traditionally burned to generate green power. With its nearly 2,000 operating plants, Italy is one of the world's leading countries for biogas production. Biogas was conceived and patented in Italy in the second half of the 1960s. About 25 years later, more or less in correspondence with the patent expirations, it became public domain and use and Germany supported its use in exchange for significant incentives on the product. It was the beginning of a rapid expansion, first in Germany and, subsequently, in European and non-European countries, not only in the agricultural sector, but also in the treatment of waste, sludge and other applications.

Biogas Plant

FAT has built two plants in the UDS of Giove and Città di Castello and Bonsciano for the production of electricity from biogas, obtained through anaerobic digestion, with a total installed power of 2 MWel. The plants will produce clean energy using dedicated crops as raw materials, in particular corn silage, the production of which will be guaranteed by the members of our group. The investment will have a positive impact, being able to guarantee our members a better remuneration for part of their production in such a difficult time for agriculture. Furthermore, through a cogeneration system, it will be possible to recover the heat otherwise dissipated by the plant, making it usable for activities within the UDS (heating greenhouses, etc.), all this to reduce consumption and achieve the maximum possible energy efficiency.

Wood chip drying plant
ricerca-innovazione-ippato-articolo24-2Presentation of the woody biomass plant, built at the Abbadia San Cassiano service unit (umbertide-PG) The construction is part of the operational choices of FAT, which to strengthen its core business (tobacco production), has decided to develop the renewable energy sector with biogas and photovoltaic plants. The replacement of diesel with wood chips has limited the costs of tobacco treatment.

ricerca-innovazione-fotovoltaico-2024Presentation of the woody biomass plant, built at the Abbadia San Cassiano service unit (umbertide-PG) The construction is part of the operational choices of FAT, which to strengthen its core business (tobacco production), has decided to develop the renewable energy sector with biogas and photovoltaic plants. The replacement of diesel with wood chips has limited the costs of tobacco treatment.

Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi Soc. Coop Agricola
Via G. Oberdan, 12 - 06012 Città di Castello PG (ITALY)
Phone +39 075 8627911 - Fax +39 075

C.F. e P.IVA 00165600545
Reg. Imprese Perugia N. 00165600545
R.E.A./ CCIAA Perugia n.14906
Isc. Albo Coop A105887


© 2024 Copyright Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi

Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi Soc. Coop Agricola
Via G. Oberdan, 12 - 06012 Città di Castello PG (ITALY)
Telefono +39 075 8627911 - Fax +39 075 8627920
e-mail: seleziona destinatario - Pec:

C.F. e P.IVA 00165600545
Reg. Imprese Perugia N. 00165600545
R.E.A./ CCIAA Perugia n.14906
Isc. Albo Coop A105887


© 2024 Copyright Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi

Fattoria Autonoma Tabacchi Soc. Coop Agricola
Via G. Oberdan, 12 - 06012 Città di Castello PG (ITALY)
C.F. e P.IVA 00165600545
Reg. Imprese Perugia N. 00165600545
R.E.A./ CCIAA Perugia n.14906
Isc. Albo Coop A105887